Sunday, January 28, 2007

A Sense of Community.

Being an artist means: not numbering and counting, but
ripening like a tree, which doesn't force its sap, and stands
confidently in the storms of spring, not afraid that
afterwards summer may not come.

~Rainer Maria Rilke

This blog has been created as a space to gather; it's a meeting place of sorts...a place to find and connect with others who are blogging their thoughts and feelings, struggles and revelations, ideas and inspirations as we journey together through the pages of Finding Water: the Art of Perseverance.

As an online community, we will begin on
Saturday, February 17th, 2007

Finding Water is a 12-week commitment. Please feel free to read the "Prologue" and "The Basics" as soon as you want (pages 1-29)...and hey, while you're at it, you might even want to go ahead and find a journal or notebook for your morning pages. We'll start "Week 1: Uncovering a Sense of Optimism" on Saturday, Feb. 17th.

If you would like to have your name added to our list, please leave the title of your blog along with your URL (blog address) in the comment section. We'll update the blogroll on a regular basis until things get underway.

I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm really looking forward to this! Although Leah and I will do most of our reflecting on our own blogs, this space will serve as a common ground for the Finding Water Blogroll (and maybe even a sundry mix of haphazard thoughts and announcements).

From the dust jacket:
Finding Water completes Julia Cameron’s bestselling trilogy on the creative process—beginning with The Artist’s Way and Walking in This World—to offer guidance on weathering the periods in an artist’s life when inspiration appears to have run dry. This book offers advice and wisdom about tackling the greatest challenges you may face, such as:
  • making the decision to begin a new project;
  • persevering when a new approach to your art does not bear immediate fruit;
  • staying focused when other parts of your life threaten to distract you from your art; and
  • spotting possibilities for artistic inspiration in the most unlikely places.


Anonymous said...

This is just what I needed ! Count me in.

Anonymous said...

I so totally need this. I am IN!

tara dawn said...

Your timing could not have been better. Though making this committment is huge for me considering my lack of free time, I have puposefully decided to MAKE the time to do this. I'm looking forward to the experience and sharing this experience with ya'll, my lovely sister tribe of bloggers!
Now I'm off to get my book...

Anonymous said...

Oh, I can't wait, I'm so excited.
I am still trying to find this book in town, if not in town I will have to order it online. :)

I'll be here!

bee said...

moi! moi, moi, moi!

Anonymous said...

Love this blog, it's beautiful! :)
I ordered a copy of the book today, which, for me, is an achievement in itself (I, too, was surprised by the amount of books JC has written & published) and would love to be included here please..

Suzie Q

Thank You!

Suze xXx

Anonymous said...

Forgive me, I think I'm going to create a separate blog to post on this subject, so I'll be back with the address when I've got it up & running...

sorry to mess you about!

Anonymous said...

Back again! *blush*

For the purposes of this 12-week commitment (such a scary word! ;)), I'll be using my shiny new Vox blog:

Thank you! :)

Anonymous said...

OK, I'm in. I guess I can handle some more Julia! I did have fun doing Artist's Way last time.

madelyn said...

Jessie and Leigh - this template
is gorgeous and I feel so
delighted and pleased to
be a part of this...thankyou for
linking me as I bought the book
last night.

I am heading off to INdia on
Friday but I return on exactly the
So I will long in late but
will be filled with a happy
spirit to get going!


thankyou for organizing this:)

harmonyinline said...

I need something like this right now please sign me up

Anonymous said...

Yes - I've ordered the book; it should be here in a couple of days. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Count me IN! :-D

One Hand Typing

Endment said...

Guess I am ready to try
add me to the list please

Anonymous said...

I'd love take part in this . . . please add me.

Turtle in the Sun

Olivia said...

Is it too late to be included? I found out about the group via zena musings and would like to join.

My new blog, happyluau, is at:



claireylove said...

it's been a while since i completed the artist's way, so i think i'm ready to give this new one a whirl...

Becoming Amethyst

cherry girl said...

Been a while since I did the artists way and think it's a fantastic idea to do it in a community! Count me in...

Anonymous said...

I'd like to do this with you. I'm nervous but need to push myself beyond my comfort zone.

Otter said...

Blogger ate my last attempt...I'll try again.

I did TAW last year with you. Time for another creative infusion!

Lisa @

Caroline said...

Count me in please (though my copy of the book still hasn't arrived I'm sure it will soon!)


Caroline said...

Whoops I meant to put

Caros Lines


Miss Robyn said...

this sounds like something I need to get my inner artist child out - not sure if I can get the book in time though. will come back and sign up if I can - will look at the bookshops tomorrow

Joanna said...

Just heard from Amazon that my book is on the way, please sign me up!

Joanna said...

Forgot to's freestylefibre

Paula - Buenos Aires said...

I loved being part of a previous project with Leah. I´ll be 40 next Monday, so the "start new projects" has been on my mind a lot lately. :D

I´ll be keeping an eye on everybody´s work and joining in as much I can.

Lisa said...

Exactly, EXACTLY what I was looking for and didn't know it! Please add me to your list.

Susannah Conway said...

ladies, count me in:

Anonymous said...

Got my book in the mail today so I can start reading....

but then I got Patry Francis' Liars Diary too, so I may be distracted...

Anonymous said...

I'm in!!!!

Dancing Willow:


Anonymous said...

got my book - I'm in!

Writer In Progress said...

I've done the Artist's Way twice and it was a life changing experience both times. I'm looking forward to doing this!

Anonymous said...

I'd like to added to your list. my weblog URL is

the name is "emerging" thanks, Libby Meyer

Cate said...

Though I've read the book, I haven't done any of the exercises, so I'd like to participate, too! I can't wait.

Anonymous said...

This is wonderful! I am working through Artist's Way and really enjoying it ... Not sure if I can keep up, but will give it my all! Cool title "Finding Water".

Thank you!

Georgia said...

Ooooh, count me in! I just got the book yesterday from my book swap partner over at CaC. (Thank you Kristine)

I can't wait to get started!!!!!


Anonymous said...

I'd like to participate too, if that's ok.

Anonymous said...

I'm looking forward to being a part of this group and diving into the water. Discovered you ladies via Carla Blazek at ZenaMoon.

The Ultimate Yes

Anonymous said...

Thank you for pulling this together. I would like to participate. I have come to understand that these group endeavors make the whole greater than the sum of the parts. There is magic in it.

Anonymous said...

count me in. xo, ruby

Anonymous said...


is it too late to be added to the list?

i just ordered my book & will get it in about a week>>>i'm luckily a speedy reader...

i figured, what the hey, i can start with fw (before the other 2 books), lol!

here's my link:

mary ann

Laura said...

i would love to be a part of this even tho i haven't read her first 2 books so i guess i am working my way backwards! and actually that just about sums up how my life seems to go =)

i want a blog just for this journey and will post the link asap. thanks for starting this and see you soon....

Kate Robertson said...

I don't have the book yet but add me to the list. I have both her other books, and have tried doing them before I think a group will really help. Thanks for organizing this.


LauraHinNJ said...

I just found the book in an out of the way bookstore today - so would like to join in if it's not too late!


Somewhere in NJ

June said...

My sister told me about this blog and I would love to join. Please let me know if I am too late. I won't be able to get the book until tomorrow.

June said...

OOps! I forgot to leave my blog url:

Janet said...

I hope I can still do this.